Reverse the Red Species Pledge


Reverse the Red Announces Accelerator Award for organisations submitting a Species Pledge.

The Accelerator Award has been developed to mobilise innovation, refine recovery-focused strategy, increase collaboration, and support the acceleration of action foundational to recovering species and creating positive impact on species and biodiversity. Species pledges and pre-applications must be completed by April 25, 2025. Upon making a species pledge, organisations will receive information about applying for the Accelerator Award. Make your pledge below to be eligible!



Reverse the Red is a coalition committed

to accelerating strategic actions focused on recovery outcomes for wild populations. We do this by creating strategic connections between species conservation partners and national governments to achieve national biodiversity targets and goals. 

The Reverse the Red Species Pledge is designed to understand which organizations, groups, and agencies are committed to specific strategic recovery actions for identified species in specific countries. 196 countries have signed on to the Global Biodiversity Framework with specific commitment to Goal A and Target 4 - halting extensions, reversing declines, and recovering populations; plant, fungi, and animals. To achieve these targets, we need coordinated, strategic efforts from all partners and this Species Pledge is our first step to understanding which organizations are committing their skills, experience, and knowledge to participating in the recovery of specific species. 

Why the Species Pledge?

The Pledge will allow our community to…

  • Recognize and celebrate the overwhelming global and national support for species recovery.

  • Map the species partners (organizations, agencies, groups) supporting in-country recovery efforts and which areas of expertise they can provide.

  • Increase collaboration and make critical connections within country or within taxa.

  • Connect threatened species needing urgent human-management, with partners that have the skills, resources, and desire to commit to its recovery.

You can join us by…

Recognizing your current commitments to species recovery or thoughtfully making new commitments to strategic actions for species recovery. The Species Pledge is for any organisation or group committed to specific actions aligned with a larger strategy to see populations of threatened species recovered in the wild. 

The Species Pledge is designed to connect the strategic actions of partners in support of National Biodiversity targets and goals. The Species Pledge will ask questions connected to the indicators, metrics, and strategies adopted by the Global Biodiversity Framework. It is ok if you are not able to answer all of these questions.

Target 4

Halt Species Extinction, Protect Genetic Diversity, and Manage Human-Wildlife Conflicts

Ensure urgent management actions to halt human induced extinction of known threatened species and for the recovery and conservation of species, in particular threatened species, to significantly reduce extinction risk, as well as to maintain and restore the genetic diversity within and between populations of native, wild and domesticated species to maintain their adaptive potential, including through in situ and ex situ conservation and sustainable management practices, and effectively manage human-wildlife interactions to minimize human-wildlife conflict for coexistence.

Download the template if your organization is submitting more than 20 species.

Current Pledges

The Species Pledge will ask for…

  • Which species your organisation commits to helping reverse declines of by 2023 and in which country your actions take place.

  • Which species-specific metrics you are tracking to measure your impact

  • if the data your organisation is collecting is being shared through national and global datasets and frameworks (like those found on the list of Target 4 indicators)

  • which of the following strategic actions focused on species recovery (GSAP 4.1-7) you are committed to:

    • 4.1 - Species Assessment Efforts

    • 4.2 - Develop and Implement Recovery Plans (single species, multi-species, site-based or threat based)

    • 4.3 - Enact measures to prevent extinctions and recovery threatened species

    • 4.4 - Maintain or establish coordinated ex-situ breeding or propagation programs to all species that require them for recovery. (See Q&A for questions about SSP & EEPs)

    • 4.5 - Minimize loss of genetic diversity across all threatened species

    • 4.6 - Reduce and manage human-wildlife conflict

    • 4.7 - Determine factors governing species conservation success.

  • If there are any current partners critical to successful species recovery that you would like to acknowledge

Other Species Conservation Efforts

The Reverse the Red Species Pledge recognizes that successful conservation requires many partners and types of efforts (land preservation, education campaigns, funding, insurance populations, and more). Each of these efforts are important and are often recognized in other forums and publications. The Reverse the Red Species Pledge is specifically concerned with actions focused on recovery outcomes for threatened species in the wild to support national biodiversity targets, specifically Target 4. If your strategic actions can be tied to recovery outcomes, please consider submitting your species pledge. If your actions support another group or organizations in these strategic efforts, please ask them to fill out the species pledge. 

It will take all of us to achieve our national and global biodiversity goals. Thank you for your consideration and willingness to share your efforts and celebrate the efforts of our incredible community!

The Species Pledge will allow us to accelerate species recovery and leverage the incredible knowledge, tools, and wisdom of this amazing community to which you are an essential part of! Thank You!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Please see the below pledge shared by Yunkawasi.

    Organisation: Yunkawasi

    Based In: Peru

    # of species: 2 - Lagothrix flavicauda (Yellow-tailed woolly monkey) & Aotus miconax (Peruvian night monkey)

    Which Headline indicators are you tracking to measure impact?

    Red List Index - population size, Red List Index - plausible threat and/or population viability analysis

    Other metrics used? Improved management of the territories where it exists

    Isthe data your organisation is collecting is being shared through national and global datasets and frameworks? Yes, our data is being shared nationally

    Which GSAP Actions are you participating in?

    4.1 - Species Assessment: Assess the conservation status of all species and identify those needing targeted recovery actions, 4.2 - Species Recovery Planning: Develop and implement a recovery plan (single species, multi-species, site-based, or threat-based) for all species that require one, 4.3 - Species Action: Enact measures to prevent extinctions and recover threatened species,4.7 - Storytelling & adaptive learning: Determine factors governing species conservation success

    Country where efforts are located: Peru

    Other partners you'd like to acknowledge: Asociación de Conservación Oso Dorado, Wildlife and Forestry Service of Peru (SERFOR), National Protected Area Service of Peru (SERNANP), Peruvian Fund for Nature (PROFONANPE), Regional Government of Amazonas

  • If this population is supporting a recovery strategy for a threatened species where an exsitu population has been identified as a critical step, then ABSOLUTELY! Please make a pledge.

  • Funding is essential but the organisation or group fulfilling the strategic actions should fill out the pledge and they can acknowledge you in the pledge as a critical partner.

  • YES! We want to understand what is currently being done but there are thousands of species with recognized need for urgent human need. If you can thoughtfully identify a species that your skills and knowledge align with needed recovery efforts, please consider making a pledge and starting your strategic actions. Our team is happy to assist you with and make any connections we can.